How this 67 years old quietly walk again
I Adopted Her Exact Strategy from A to Z and It’s Brilliant!
What’s one of the most frustrating aspects of getting older? For me, it's joint pain. It’s there when I wake up, it’s there when I walk to the bathroom, and it’s even worse when I have to take the stairs. I’ve struggled with mobility for years, and despite numerous doctor visits and physical therapy sessions, nothing seemed to help. Each year, it only got worse. I wasn't bothered much, though—after all, many of my friends faced the same issue. It's not as if I was unlucky; this just seems to be part and parcel of getting older.
Recently, however, I stumbled across a friend's social media post. At first glance, it seemed like just another update, but after a few weeks, I noticed something odd. My friend, who is older than I am and used to complain incessantly about her knee pain, was suddenly traveling to all sorts of places and even going shopping with her grandkids. She used to choose the comfort of her home over any outing.
My curiosity got the better of me, so I gave her a call. I wondered if she’d undergone knee surgery and recovered completely. Perhaps I needed to plan for something similar, especially since I miss wearing my high heels and dancing the night away.
What she told me was astonishing—no surgery, no physio. Just collagen.
I was incredulous. "Collagen?" I asked. "How?"
She shared her secret, and I knew I had to try it myself.
The first step was to purchase the exact collagen she used. There were many options available—different sources, some in powder, some in pills, some in drinks—but I was determined to mirror her strategy precisely. I ordered the same fish-scale collagen, brewed for eight hours using renowned Japanese technology. It seemed well-researched and tested, with a high collagen content.
When it came to usage, she admitted she took two bottles a day, even though the recommendation was just one. "Why?" I asked. She explained that this was based on a consultant’s recommendation. "Got it," I replied. How long, I inquired? “Two weeks,” she said. So, I compressed a month’s supply into two weeks, consuming one bottle on an empty stomach in the morning and another bottle two to three hours after dinner, before going to bed.
I didn’t expect such rapid results. After just three days, the knee pain seemed to lessen. Maybe it was just psychological, but I felt like a kid again, not as grumpy because the pain had significantly diminished. I was thrilled and eagerly anticipated my morning and evening collagen sessions. Plus, it tasted great! Some people prefer it in jelly form, but since my friend drank hers as it was, I decided to do the same.
After a week, I could confidently say the knee pain was minimal. I even felt comfortable walking more. I was baffled by the product’s effectiveness. Why had no one told me about it before? And why hadn’t any doctor recommended it? It was perplexing…
Fast forward two months, and I’m back in my high heels and hitting the dance floor again. I can’t dance as long as I used to, but enjoying a 30-minute dance session feels like a glorious victory.
It feels like my life has been restored. I even join shopping adventures with my grandkids, though I still struggle to catch them when they dart around.
Thank you, Beyond Collagen+. You've given my life meaning again, enabling me to do what I once thought was impossible. I'm sharing this because if you suffer from similar pain, there’s hope. Surgery isn’t your only option!